• About

  • Here’s a little about me…….

    My first passion is mindfulness and meditation, which led me to my second passion of yoga. I found that the deep physical release afforded by a yoga practice enhanced my meditation practice, whilst also providing a vehicle for practicing mindfulness.

    Whilst initially not intending to teach, after completing a 2 year diploma course in Satyananda yoga at Mangrove Mountain Ashram, the shift to teaching came naturally. As a mother of 3 daughters and with a history in the childcare industry, it was only a matter of time before I was led to further my training in pre-natal, post-natal and mums and bubs yoga. The energy in these classes is terrific and the opportunity to support and empower women during this time is a gift.

    With an inquisitive mind and a deep yearning to learn more, I completed my training as an Infant Massage Instructor and as a Doula. I feel blessed to be able to complete the full circle – helping women prepare for the birth through yoga, breathwork and meditation, being there as they welcome their little ones into the world, and helping them once again as they regain their strength and confidence, and bond with their babies through massage.

    I aim to eat healthy wholesome food (including dark chocolate of course) and I am an avid tea drinker – not black so much, but red, green, white and all those lovely herbal and fruity teas. I am into natural remedies where possible, vibrational oils, reiki, and theta healing. I love reading, getting out into nature and am a keen gardener.

    I’d love to learn more about you – so come along to a class and maybe even enjoy a cuppa or a treat afterwards!