• Doula - Pregnancy & Birth Support

  • Feel more Confident and Supported for your Child’s Birth

    What is a Doula?

    Doulas are trained to look after you both emotionally and physically during pregnancy, labour and birthing. They empower you to negotiate the best care for you and your baby. They act as your advocate, steering you and your partner through the sometimes daunting hospital system.

    No matter where you have chosen to give birth – home, hospital or birth centre, your doula will be with you and your partner, providing support, reassurance and encouragement.

    I guess I see the role as more of a coach; using my experience as a prenatal and postnatal yoga teacher to help prepare for the birth of your baby physically, mentally and emotionally, and during labour helping with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort.

    I meet with you a couple of times before the birth to find out what your expectations and desires are, both for my role and that of the whole process, and again afterwards to support with your recovery, bonding with baby and early parenting ideas and to go over any details of the birth you wish to revisit. Once again as a postnatal yoga instructor, I am able to advise which postures would be suitable and beneficial for you personally. As a certified Infant Massage Instructor I am also able to guide you through the basics of infant massage.

    Some of the benefits of having a Doula;

    • 51% reduction in cesarean rates
    • 16% reduction in epidural requests
    • 71% reduction in syntocinon use
    • 35% reduction in analgesia (pain medication use)
    • 57% reduction in forceps/vacuum deliveries
    • Reduction in length of labor (98 minutes)

    Long Term Benefits

    • Improved success with breastfeeding
    • Increased time with baby and easier bonding
    • Increased maternal satisfaction
    • Reduced post natal depression